Village Location: NYAMIRA COUNTY
# of Villagers: 1,700
Village Started: OCTOBER 2022
# of Households Surveyed: 350
# of Villagers Who Started in the CHEC: 320
Graduation Date: MAY 22, 2023
# Graduated from Health Training: 286
# of Participants in Economic Training: 286
2023/2024 Primary Economic Groups:
Nyasumi is GHC's 10th Village, and first in Nyamira County.
This village is in a remote location, roughly an 90 minute drive from Kisii town. It is difficult to get to the village as the roads are poorly maintained and there is little infrastructure. It is far from a health facility and diseases run rampant. Villagers are also entrenched in their cultural traditions, and poverty levels are high.
In mid-October 2022, GHC finished conducting the three Baseline surveys--Health, Economic and Social Impact--on 230 households. All enrolled in the CHEC and the 24-week health training curriculum began in November 2022. This is one of the largest clubs GHC has ever had.
The results of the baseline surveys told us that the families in this village struggle on a daily basis to have clean water and ample nutrition. We have found that there is considerable interest in learning and changing behavior in this village, especially given the enthusiasm of all the CHEC members.
GHC finished the 24-week health training curriculum in May and the members proved to be a happy, eager bunch throughout the entire curriculum. Member turnout was consistently high and all showed commitment and engagement. We graduated all 286 members in late May 2023.
This is a very vibrant and promising CHEC. We taught them how to make detergent, how best to build a kitchen garden, a latrine and a shower stall. The progress, participation and willingness to change behavior was and still is impressive.
All 286 members continued on to the economic training curriculum and will now be involved in beekeeping. The apiary, which will house 240 hives, was completed in November 2023. For more information on the apiary, visit
Christine teaches the group on parasitic worms
A member participating in a CHEC meeting
Two members work on their garden
CHEC members help distribute top fertilizer
The CHEC members show off the seeds they will plant in their respective gardens