Village Location: KISII COUNTY
# of Villagers: 1,050
Village Started: OCTOBER 2022
# of Households Surveyed: 117
# of Villagers Who Started in the CHEC: 115
Graduation Date: MAY 23, 2023
# Graduated from Health Training: 72
# of Participants in Economic Training: 72
2023/2024 Primary Economic Groups:
Nyamagesa is GHC's 9th Village, and one of our newest. It is located in Kisii County, Masaba South Sub-county, Nyaribari Masaba Constituency, Kiamokama Ward, Ibacho Location, and Nyamagesa Sub-location. It is approximately 33 KM southeast of Kisii town.
In late-October 2022, GHC finished conducting the three Baseline surveys--Health, Economic and Social Impact--on 117 households. All enrolled in the CHEC and the 24-week health training curriculum began in November 2022.
Nyamagesa is an interesting village for GHC because it has one side that has health and hygiene practices in place and seems to be economically stable, while the other side is marked by extreme poverty and poor hygiene. On this side of the village, the tendency is for children not to attend school. This side also has a large number of teen pregnancies, early marriages, high consumption of alcohol and drugs, and overall ignorance about health, hygiene and other problems, compared to the other side.
GHC finished the 24-week health training curriculum in May and members from both sides showed resolve, commitment and engagement. We taught them how to make detergent, how best to build a kitchen garden, a latrine and a shower stall. The progress throughout the program was impressive. The 72 graduates all continued on to the economic training curriculum and will now be involved in beekeeping. The future site of the apiary has been picked out, and construction will begin in October 2023. For more information on the apiary, visit